Build your dApps specific zkRollup with ZKCross modular rollup kit

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Begin your transformative development journey with ZKCross SDK. Seamlessly integrate Web2 and Web3 technologies, unlocking limitless possibilities for your applications.

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A zkWasm compatible ZK kvDB

ZKCross provides a ZK kvDB that is compatible with zkWasm. It can be used to store state of applications and retrieved by zkWasm prover network to generate zkproof, which will make your dApps totally verifiable on blockchains.

ZKC zk kvDBGet started

Key Features

  • Maximize the Power of the WASM Ecosystem

    Maximize the Power of the WASM Ecosystem

    Tap into WASM ecosystem, equipped with mature tooling, SDK, and your own skill sets. Unlock endless possibilities and unleash your creativity.

  • Cross-Platform zk dApps for Any Device

    Cross-Platform zk dApps for Any Device

    Create zk dApps that can be used seamlessly across multiple devices. Say goodbye to the hassle of dealing with different environments and embrace a unified experience for your users.

  • Lightning-Fast Time to Market

    Lightning-Fast Time to Market

    With our solution, development becomes faster and easier, allowing you to launch your product in record time.

  • Seamless Web3 Connectivity

    Seamless Web3 Connectivity

    Our standardized zkWasm on/off-chain interface simplifies the integration process, enabling you to seamlessly link your applications to Web3. Embrace the future with ease.

Learn More

  1. Introducing the zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK

    Introducing the zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK

    Streamlining Zero-Knowledge Proof Development

    In the constantly evolving landscape of blockchain and cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs (#ZKPs) have emerged as a game-changer, enabling secure and privacy-preserving transactions without revealing sensitive data. At the forefront of this revolution, the #zkWasm project from @DelphinusLab has been pushing the boundaries of #ZKP technology, providing a powerful and efficient platform for developers to build cutting-edge applications. Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of the #zkWasm

    -service-helper Go SDK, a robust and user-friendly toolkit designed to simplify the integration of the zkWasm service into Go-based projects. This SDK empowers developers to harness the full potential of ZKPs, enabling them to create zero-knowledge probable applications with golang, which will widen the door for developers to bring applications beyond web browsers.

    Unlocking the Power of ZKPs with Go

    The zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK provides an all-encompassing interface for integrating with the zkWasm service backend and smart contracts. Its user-friendly API and design allow developers to seamlessly integrate ZKP functionality into Go applications, simplifying the task of adding and gathering information.

    The SDK is built on the latest version of Go (1.20 or later), adhering to best coding practices and the idiomatic Go programming style for maximum efficiency. Its main features include:

    • ZkWasmServiceHelper struct: A powerful interface for communicating with the zkWasm service backend, enabling developers to add new WASM image tasks, submit proving tasks, query task details and status, and more.
    • Smart Contract Integration: Seamless integration with the zkWasm smart contract, allowing developers to check balances, send transactions, and leverage the full capabilities of the zkWasm ecosystem.
    • Utility Functions: A suite of utility functions for tasks such as signing messages with private keys, converting between different data formats, handling MD5 hashes, and more.

    Accelerating ZKP Development With Go

    The zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK significantly lowers the barrier to entry for developers seeking to leverage the power of ZKPs in their Go applications. By abstracting away the complexities of interacting with the zkWasm service backend and smart contracts, the SDK enables developers to focus on building innovative solutions without getting bogged down in low-level details.

    Whether you’re working on decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, supply chain management systems, or any other use case requiring privacy and trust, the zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK provides the tools you need to seamlessly integrate ZKP functionality into your projects.

    Getting Started

    To get started with the zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK, simply import the repo


    in your Go code:

    go get -u github.com/zkcrossteam/zkWasm-service-helper

    From there, you can create a new ZkWasmServiceHelper instance and start leveraging its powerful methods and utilities. For detailed usage examples, code snippets, and comprehensive documentation, please refer to the project’s README file on GitHub.

    Contributing and Community

    The zkWasm-service-helper project is open source and welcomes community contributions. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request. When contributing, please adhere to our coding style guidelines and ensure that your changes are thoroughly documented and tested.

    Join us on this thrilling journey as we push the limits of zero-knowledge proof technology and unlock new possibilities for secure and privacy-preserving applications. Together, we can build a future where trust, transparency, and privacy are inherent in the digital world

    Join our communities to stay updated on our Web3 journey!

    Website: https://www.zkcross.org/

    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/aJNjfRvgam

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thezkcross

    Telegram: https://t.me/ZKCross

    Medium: https://blog.zkcross.org/

    Introducing the zkWasm-service-helper Go SDK was originally published in zkcross on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

  2. The Dawn of Transparent Gaming

    The Dawn of Transparent Gaming

    Fully on-chain gaming with ZKCross

    The evolution of gaming has witnessed numerous incidents that underscore the frailties and flaws of centralized systems. Take, for instance, the unforgettable “Martin Fury Incident” from the famed World of Warcraft during its Wrath of the Lich King expansion. This mishap resulted in a player inadvertently receiving an overpowered item. This item had the potential to disrupt the entire game ecosystem because it gave the player the power to one-shot almost everything.

    How, one might wonder, could a simple error threaten the balance of a massively multiplayer game? it’s the inevitable outcome when pivotal decisions are solely at the discretion of a centralized entity, even when actions are unintended. This serves as a crucial reminder that even in gaming, transparency, trust, and decentralization are paramount.

    To Web3, or not Web3

    The move towards ‘Web3 gaming’ carried the promise of a decentralized gaming future. But as with every upcoming technology, there are growing pains. One significant issue is that most proclaimed ‘Web3 games’ aren’t fully Web3. While they might use blockchain to verify transactions or store assets, the actual gaming logic — the heart and soul of the game — remains off-chain. This renders the game validation process a black box, which is neither transparent nor verifiable.

    Given the meteoric rise in the popularity and value of NFTs within games, this opacity becomes even more concerning. Since these NFTs carry tangible monetary worth, they introduce financial incentives for malicious actors. If the drop rates of these NFTs are determined off-chain, there’s no way to verify their legitimacy. The potential for foul play is both real and alarming and, as demonstrated, can significantly impact the game ecosystem.

    Enter ZKCross: Gaming’s Transparent Future

    Addressing these concerns, ZKCross presents a solution that could revolutionize the gaming landscape: the capability to execute games fully on-chain. As proof of this groundbreaking feature, we’ve developed a showcase game, taking inspiration from the widely adored 2048 game. The solution has been presented at this year’s zk summit in Lisbon, you are welcome to checkout the presentation


    So, how does it work?

    Our version of the 2048 game is intricately coded in C and meticulously compiled into WebAssembly. It is then seamlessly integrated with the ZKC SDK and the sophisticated Fusion Layer API. Players can run the game logic directly within their browsers via WebAssembly. Every swipe, every tile merge, and every new number spawned is not just a part of the game but also a piece of information that generates cryptographic proofs for the entire session. This approach means that everything — and we mean every single move — performed within the game is being posted on-chain via a Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP). This ZKP ensures that all actions are verifiable without revealing unnecessary details, a crucial element for preserving privacy while maintaining transparency. An on-chain contract, operating in real-time, verifies these proofs. Depending on the player’s performance and game outcome, this contract processes rewards or, in some cases, penalties. It’s a fusion of gaming and advanced blockchain tech, ensuring unmatched transparency and fairness.

    Why Does This Matter?

    Beyond the technological prowess, there’s a broader implication. Gaming is not just about pixels and leaderboards; it’s a medium that brings people together, tells stories, and often involves financial transactions. In an era where digital assets have real-world value, and players invest time, emotion, and money, the importance of fairness and verifiability cannot be overstated. By adopting a fully on-chain approach, ZKCross is setting a gold standard. Players can now be confident that their efforts, strategies, and potential rewards are processed justly. They can view, verify, and validate their entire gaming journey.

    In Closing: The Future is Transparent

    The Martin Fury Incident may be a relic of the past, but it’s a potent reminder of the inherent vulnerabilities of centralized systems. As we venture deeper into the realm of digital gaming and embrace NFTs and blockchain, the emphasis must shift from merely adopting new technologies to understanding their ethos.

    ZKCross’s demonstration of the 2048 game is not just a technical marvel but a vision of what the future of gaming should aspire to be: transparent, fair, and fully on-chain. It’s an exciting time for developers and gamers alike as we stand at the cusp of a new gaming renaissance.

    Join our communities to stay updated on our Web3 journey!

    Website: https://www.zkcross.org/

    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/aJNjfRvgam

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thezkcross

    Telegram: https://t.me/ZKCross

    Medium: https://blog.zkcross.org/

    The Dawn of Transparent Gaming was originally published in zkcross on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

  3. Building Web3 Applications with WebAssembly and zkWasm

    Building Web3 Applications with WebAssembly and zkWasm

    Technological advancements that have redefined what we consider to be possible have characterized the evolution of the digital landscape. Two such advancements, WebAssembly (Wasm) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), are spearheading this transformation, setting the stage for a future where applications will be smarter, faster, and more secure. By combining the efficient and universal bytecode of WebAssembly with the cryptographic assurance of zero-knowledge proofs, ZKCross is opening up new realms of possibilities, especially in the world of Web3 applications. This article explores how to leverage WebAssembly and zero-knowledge proofs to develop Web3 applications.


    What is WebAssembly?

    WebAssembly (Wasm) is a transformative web development technology. As a secure, efficient binary format, Wasm compiles high-level source codes from languages like C, C++, and Rust into portable bytecode, running smoothly across diverse platforms. This innovation empowers efficient, high-performance applications to operate directly on web pages thanks to its seamless integration with JavaScript. The synergy between WebAssembly and JavaScript propels web applications to new heights, enabling functions like high-end games, 3D rendering, and scientific simulations within the browser at near-native speed. Moreover, this blog delves into the integration of Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Wasm, giving rise to ZKCross. This unique combination marries WebAssembly’s versatility with the security of Zero-Knowledge Proofs, creating a powerful tool for building secure, efficient Web3 applications that uphold the fundamental principles of privacy inherent in the decentralized web.

    What is Zero-Knowledge technology?
    Not only WebAssembly but also Zero-Knowledge Technology, a crucial cryptographic advancement that improves online privacy and security, are driving forces behind Web3 development. At its core, this technology enables one party to confirm they possess specific knowledge without revealing any information other than this fact. In this context, two key principles are Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) and zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive arguments of Knowledge). ZKPs allow a party to prove they know a value ‘x’, without revealing any further information. For instance, it’s like convincing someone that two differently colored balls are indeed different without revealing the colors. Zk-SNARKs are an extension of this concept, providing a more efficient, non-interactive version of ZKPs. These concepts are crucial to maintaining the veracity of information while preserving confidentiality in digital interactions.

    Key components in the solution

    Zero-Knowledge WebAssembly Virtual Machine
    Diving into the convergence of Zero-Knowledge technology and WebAssembly (WASM), we encounter the Zero-Knowledge WebAssembly Virtual Machine (ZK-WASM VM). Essentially, a VM is a software layer emulating a physical computer, creating a controlled environment for program execution. In the blockchain realm, VMs are pivotal in driving smart contract execution and maintaining consensus among blockchain nodes. The zkWasm VM is designed to execute WebAssembly bytecode and generate zk-SNARK proofs using arithmetic circuits that mirror WebAssembly instructions in a Halo2 backend, a cryptographic library. This facilitates the generation of proofs for both correctness and state transitions in Wasm programs, a crucial need for Web3 applications. Given the decentralized nature of these applications, maintaining computation accuracy and tracking state transitions are paramount for ensuring Web3’s promised integrity and security. Thus, ZK-WASM VMs offer new possibilities for developing robust, secure Web3 applications.


    The ZKC Software Development Kit (SDK) is a fundamental asset in Web3 development. For those unfamiliar, an SDK is a collection of software tools and libraries that assist developers in creating applications. The ZKC SDK is client-side middleware to be integrated into Web3 applications to help them utilize blockchain, zkWasm, and other relevant ZKP-powered services seamlessly. The SDK facilitates the conversion of applications into Wasm bytecode that can be loaded into an execution environment. Beyond this, the ZKC SDK simplifies the development process by handling a variety of functions such as proof generation, state management, on-chain verification, and interactions with blockchain accounts. By reducing the complexity associated with these tasks, the ZKC SDK enables developers to focus on the core aspects of their applications, making it an invaluable tool for Web3 application development.

    The ZKC Fusion Layer

    The ZKC Fusion Layer revolutionizes the Web3 development environment by introducing an innovative capability that allows the Virtual Machine (VM) to be split into distinct client and server entities. This not only extends architectural possibilities but also empowers developers to create more intricate and advanced applications.

    A new model to build Web3-ready applications

    With the fusion layer, developers can build applications with their existing skill sets. The fusion layer itself functions as the execution of requests from the client’s side and dispatch them to different infrastructure underneath, like proof network, layer 1 blockchains, data availability, etc.

    One of the paramount features of this layer is its ability to maintain blockchain-level security and data integrity under this fusion model. The client-side execution and proof network generating the ZKP proof ensure end-to-end trust; it also realizes fully on-chain verification without sacrificing the user experience.

    Developers can also benefit from this model because the development environment, provisioning process, and production management are very similar to Web2 applications, so there is no barrier for them to adopt the prominent Web3 technologies and ZKP in particular.

    Simultaneously, the ZKC Fusion Layer breaks free from the constraints of blockchain complexity and the restrictions of zero-knowledge proof (zkp). Developers can leverage this platform to use their preferred programming languages, such as C, C++, and Rust, and build applications for various devices, including desktop browsers and mobile devices. The integration of mandatory ZKP services within the proof network facilitates simulated executions and proof generation. In essence, the ZKC Fusion Layer pioneers a hybrid model of application architecture that blends sophistication, security, and versatility. It provides developers with a robust tool for creating engaging and complex Web3 applications without compromising the user experience or integrity.


    The technological innovations of WebAssembly and Zero-Knowledge Proofs have set the stage for a paradigm shift in digital development. ZKCross, leveraging these technologies, bridges the gap between Web2 and Web3, empowering developers to utilize their existing skillset for Web3 development, negating the need to master new languages like Solidity. The ZKC Software Development Kit (SDK) and ZKC Fusion Layer simplify the Web3 development process, shortening the deployment-to-market timeframe and fostering a seamless transition to this new digital era. Ultimately, ZKCross is paving the way for a streamlined evolution from Web2 to Web3.

    Building Web3 Applications with WebAssembly and zkWasm was originally published in zkcross on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
